Junior Leader of the Year
The PGA of Ontario Junior Leader of the Year Award commends the PGA of Ontario Professional who serves as an exemplary leader in junior golf and reflects the values of those dedicated to nurturing young talent and growing golf at the junior level.
- Demonstrates involvement in the promotion and development of junior golf at the facility level.
- Support of National junior golf programs.
- Proven interest, concern and ability to provide opportunities and experiences for juniors to learn and play golf.
- Recognized as someone of outstanding character.
1. Criteria to Measure
- Involvement in the promotion and development of junior golf at the club level and within the community.
- Support of PGA of Canada Junior Golf Programs including Future Links and the National Golf in Schools programs
- Nominees must be certified in either instruction or coaching contexts of the PGA of Canada National Coach Certification Program as well as those engaged in learning and certification through other bodies in the industry
- Overall image, service and leadership in the junior golf arena.
- Overall integrity as an individual.
2. Selection Process
- Nomination should be based on a candidate’s entire past experience and commitment for continuing one’s contributions and assistance.
- Achievements during the past five years should be emphasized.
- PGA of Ontario Awards Committee will select a recipient based on the criteria.
3. Eligible Categories
- All Class "A" Members and Apprentice Professionals in good standing excluding the following: Class "A" Life Professional and Class "A" Retired Professional.
All nominees MUST have a current Police Record Check (within the last three years) through ISB Global (OneBadge).
Please note: Results of the Police Record Checks are sent to Darcy Kral, the PGA of Canada's Privacy Officer, who will confirm receipt with the PGA of Ontario.
If you completed the Police Record Check with ISB Global as part of the OneBadge process earlier in the season, no further action is required.
If you have NOT completed the Police Record Check as part of the OneBadge process, please follow the below steps to complete it:
Steps to log into your ISB Global Services (One Badge) account with the PGA of Canada:
- Go to https://cp.dashboard.isbordercenter.com/login
- Your username is FirstnameLastname
- Your default password is set to Password@12
- Reset your default password
- Pay for the police record check $25 plus tax
- Update your profile by taking a photo and adding your NCCP Number
- Click on "My Tasks", and complete the Police Record Check.
* It could take up to 3 business days to obtain the results.
Please note: Should you be the recipient of a Zone Award, you will be required to have the PGA of Canada Safe Sport Screening Policy Requirements with OneBadge complete in its entirety to be eligible for any PGA of Canada Award. Learn more about the PGA of Canada Safe Sport Screening Policy Requirements by clicking here.
If you have any questions or concerns about the ISB Global (OneBadge) process, please contact Darcy Kral at darcy@pgaofcanada.com
- Deadline to nominate: TBD
- Deadline to submit completed awards package: TBD