Backed by ground-breaking research, love.golf is a proven approach to women’s group coaching, delivered by a community of coaches who engage, inspire and progress women in the sport.
An alternative to what might be typically expected, love.golf coaching mostly takes place on the golf course. Fundamental skills are still introduced, but only when required, and whenever possible, contextualized through play. Based upon academic study and customer insight love.golf coaching creates a supported group environment, ideally free from any dress codes or unnecessary rules. New golfers are encouraged to experiment, and self-discover, but always with the support, encouragement and guidance from their coach.
In summary, love.golf is proud to be different, encouraging coaches to be brave with their coaching offer and appeal to women looking for a modern way to try a new sport.
However, love.golf is much more than just a coaching initiative. It’s not a ‘one size fits all’ prescriptive model but a programme that is constantly evolving and shaped by a community of new female golfers alongside a community of coaches that support, share and work together.
Following a successful launch in the UK, and now with a pilot project underway in Spain, love.golf is very excited to offer an opportunity for members of the PGA of Canada to participate in a Canadian love.golf pilot.
To begin the programme we will be hosting a 2-day training event with love.golf Head Coach, Alastair Spink on May 29-30 in the Greater Toronto Area at no cost--which will be covered by a partnership between the PGA of Canada, Golf Ontario love.golf and Syngenta. Please contact matt@pgaofcanada.com to register as limited spots are available.
Following the training, coaches will be supported throughout 2019 with regular webinars hosted by Spink and access to all love.golf resources to ensure coaches have the research, academic insight and confidence to deliver engaging love.golf experiences and projects at their venues.
To ensure the pilot leads to robust learnings, love.golf will invite all coaches and participants to complete a coaching journal for the duration of their projects to detail their thoughts, reflections, challenges and achievements. Content will help love.golf and the PGA of Canada shape and ensure future projects meet the needs of the female Canadian marketplace with a view to roll out further projects in 2020.