Nomination Process


Nomination Process:

A Nominator shall submit the Nomination Form, found here. Upon receipt, the Hall of Fame Chair will send instructions on how to create an account on SmarterSelect. This program will be used to submit all documents and complete your nomination. Please click here for the Nominator's Checklist.

Every Nominee will be granted a five-stage process:

  1. An initial vetting to ensure accuracy of the basic information in the nomination form.

  2. Every nomination will be considered on an individual (non-collaborative) basis the 12-person Nominating Committee under a general scoring system where it requires 7 of 12 votes to continue forward in the process.

  3. Nominations for nominees who are recommended by the Nominating Committee will be forwarded to the six-person Selection Committee for consideration under a second and collaborative basis but more onerous scoring system. It requires 5 of 6 votes for induction.

  4. Recommendations by the Selection Committee will be presented to the Board of Directors.

  5. All Nominees will be notified of their induction or rejection on or before October1st of the current year.



  1. There is no annual limit (minimum or maximum) on the number of Nominees to be inducted.

  2. There is no limit on the number of years/times a candidate may be nominated.

  3. Nominations should be made annually and NO nominations will remain for future consideration. In other words, no nominations will be ‘banked’ or ‘carried forward’.

  • A nominator may request the working notes/score sheets of both Committees if made by written request before December 31st of the current year.

If you have any questions or concerns about your nomination, please contact the Chair of the Hall of Fame Committee