Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame

In 2017, it was recognized by the PGA of Ontario Board of Directors there was a need for their own Hall of Fame: a forum where deserving members of the PGA of Ontario can be honoured for making a significant impact on the game of golf, the growth of the game of golf or exceptional contributions to the PGA of Ontario. A Founders Committee was formed and chaired by Michael Schurman. The Charter Class was inducted in the Fall of 2020.

Michael is a Past President of the PGA of Ontario, a Master Professional, a Life Member and inducted into the PGA of Canada Hall of Fame. He selected leading PGA of Ontario Members (Head Professionals, Teachers, Players, Builders and Members at Large). Each has a minimum of 25 year experience in all facets of the game including service on the Board of Directors. They began with a goal of building a PGA of Ontario Hall of Fame that is consistent with or higher than generally accepted policies and ideals of other Halls of Fame that would recognize the highest standard of performance, honour, degree of excellence and merit displayed by members of the PGA of Ontario.

One of the key objectives was to create a formula and a method of fairness for members of the Association for any applicant presented for nomination. They also wished to preserve and keep-up a place where inductees are honoured for outstanding achievements, performance excellence, distinctive contributions and superior effort in an environment where interested parties can enjoy recounting the career accomplishments, lifetime memories, personal successes, historical occurrences, days gone by and past events at a minimum of cost both to the Association and patrons. Last, they wanted to ensure that the PGA of Ontario Hall of Fame acts as a constant, reliable source of recorded history and is readily and easily accessible to all parties in the Golf Community.