Tournament Policy


PGA of Ontario Tournament Policy

The PGA of Ontario Tournament Policy governs all PGA of Ontario Championships including Team events and Pro-Am’s, and all competitors representing the PGA of Ontario. 

Competitor Conduct

The philosophy of the competitor conduct policy is to respect the game, maintain golf’s culture and represent the PGA of Ontario in a manner befitting of a golf professional. 

Complaints may be made in writing to the offices of the PGA of Ontario or in-person to a PGA of Ontario tournament committee member or the PGA of Ontario staff present at an official PGA of Ontario event.


All competitors must conduct themselves both on and off the golf course in a way befitting of the PGA of Ontario as per the PGA of Ontario Tournament Policy and the PGA of Canada Code of Professional Conduct and Safe Sport Policy as agreed upon by signing the championship entry form.  The use of alcohol or contraband is strictly prohibited prior and during all rounds unless stated otherwise and this includes Pro-Am’s and practice rounds.

Dress Code

The purpose of the Dress Code policy is to ensure reasonable and appropriate standards are maintained at all PGA of Ontario competitions. All PGA of Ontario players and caddies must adhere to the Dress Code policy anytime the competitor or caddie is on host facility property. Additional host facility dress code restrictions may also apply and will be communicated to the participants.


Any competitors participating in a Pro-Am must conduct themselves according to the provisions listed above, plus any additional regulations presented by the sponsor conducting the Pro-Am. Participating professionals must attend the dinner reception following play unless otherwise noted in writing.


All entrants who have been assigned penalties by the tournament committee must remit payment before being permitted to play in any future competition.


No-show without notification – Tournament/Pro-Am                    

  •     First Offence – Written Warning Letter
  •     Second Offence - $250 Fine

Withdrawing during a round without notifying a PGA of Ontario official

  •     First Offence – Written Warning Letter
  •     Second Offence - $250 Fine

Not returning official scorecard    

  •     $100 Fine

Not following Dress Code

  •     First offence – Written Warning Letter
  •     Second offence - $250 Fine

Violation of PGA of Ontario Tournament Policy

  • $500 fine and reported to Safe Sport to determine further disciplinary action.

Violation of the Liquor Law

  • $500 fine and reported to Safe Sport to determine further disciplinary action.

Violation of PGA of Ontario Pace of Play Policy  

  • First Offense – any player within a group exceeding the stipulated Time Par for the first time will incur a warning.
  • Second Offense – any player within a group exceeding the stipulated Time Par for the second time will incur a $50 fine and will be allocated tee times at the end of the next tournament draw.  
  • Third Offense – any player within a group exceeding the stipulated Time Par for the third time will incur a $200 fine and will be allocated tee times at the end of the next tournament draw.

Click here to view Pace of Play Policy and Appeals Process

The Tournament Committee may impose alternate penalties for violations not specified herein, as deemed necessary.


Appeals for all penalties assigned by the Tournament Committee except for Pace of Play violations must be made to the Tournament Captain within 72 hours from the receipt of the offence letter. See Pace of Play policy above for direction regarding this particular appeal process. 


Michael Moniz
PGA of Ontario Tournament Captain